Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Zzzzzzzz Language..!!

Pre text: Before you read the blog please refer the letter ‘Z’ as ‘Zee’ and not ‘Zed’ at every occurrence :)
Dedicated to each of you who understands my true intention behind this post ;)

I wonder, what the first thing was that came to your mind when you read the title.
According to a survey conducted :P following are the possibilities..
The candidate to the title that got the most votes ‘is’ rather say ‘are’


The Vodafone Zoo Zoo :) : Yes the Postmaster Zoo zoo, flying SuperZoo Zoo, RajniZoo Zoo and many more forms that you loved have won the hearts of people. So many contenders doesn’t make it fair, but Ill count it :P
The 2nd goes for my personal favorite :D Yes, I am talking about the Zzz Zzz in the cloud forming out from the nose ;)

Sleep: What to say about this peaceful glimpse of heaven that we get in between our hectic schedule, obvious ones at night and the bonus is between the work hours ;) In whatever way it is, is simply blissful. If you want tips on how to sleep at work read this:

Also some of the broken hearts that participated in the survey but could not succeed include (in random order.. as I don’t want to hurt them more :P  )…

Zee TV: This was the one that made me laugh my lungs out, people will continue watching these endless boring daily soaps even if earth splits up into two and still would want to know what happened next in that serial on Zee TV :P

Mosquitoes & BuZZing Bee: Well no matter how much the might of human race be, these mosquitoes will continue to sing the songs in ‘The Zzzzzzzz Language..!!’ and the Bees will always be BUZZing us like a small kid who comes to you again and again says Hi and runs away
‘Just came to Buzz’ :P but all we can get out of it is ‘Zzzzzzzzz’

Zhe ManaZers: People with the ‘Z’ effect like the ones who would pronounce ‘G’(Gee) as ‘Z’ and mana’G’ement as mana’Z’ement. When I meet some people I really wonder, how good people are at their technical and other skills but still they struggle to pronounce the very easy words correctly. About ‘Zhe ManaZers’ No it’s not a spelling error, I just came by this word for people with such difficulty.
I don’t mean to make a joke of you if you have such problem, it’s just a perception of people I interacted with. And yes take it as a positive indicator to improve yourself as ‘Learning never stops’ :)

Grinder:  :lol: Sometimes I get shocked at people’s creativity and the power of relating things so fast and so different. Now that I am writing this I remember the old santa joke “How an induction motor starts”

:D dhurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :P

Although in case of a grinder this is what I heard from a person:
On slow speed: zzzzzzz
Now its up to you to imagine the sound on those speeds :P

Frustration: This might sound weird but there is some point in it. Imagine the situation,
Its Friday evening and you want to leave early, now at 17:30 your Lead/Manager calls you and gives you the so called ‘Child’s Play Work’ for you, and the best part is you have to give it EOD. Such a simple line said in the most polite manner, but leaves you full of anger and frustration… You wish you could hit them. That’s not an advice and don’t do that at all :P your mind explodes in the emotions and comes out the sound from your head ‘Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz’

No Idea: Haha, this actually has nothing to do with the ‘The Zzzzz language’ but what to do, many people could not come up with anything so I decided to put it here :D But Boss, trust me don’t get idea if you don’t have one. Just Have Fun and enjoy the beautiful Zzzzzz Effect around you :)


  1. The zzzzz effect from the z man! :D and the effects of being jobless.. :P Highly humorous and I loved the Manazers part of it! You have an awesome sense of humour! :) Loved it!

    1. Zo Gayathri :D.... I bet the jobless effect is doing wonders to you.. n thanks :) for telling me, I dint know :P :P
