Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hit n Run

What is it that comes to your mind when you read the title? A kid hitting another kid and running away :O are you serious you thought of that :P or a vehicle hitting another vehicle or a person and trying to escape, now you are making sense 8-). Some of you guys might recall the Need for Speed Hot Pursuit versions as well I’m sure. But what is the severity in real life, it can be minute or even life threatening. In any case don’t give stress to your brains, you are already into a lot I know :P

So here I was lost in the beauty of the clouds, the ones who were ready to launch a full scale assault on Earth, and expressing the same in words and I wrote “It took a while for the craft to board and I somehow managed to put my bags in the rack with my injured wrists.” – reference 3rd para A New Dawn. So here goes the story, well this is a little embarrassing but who cares I need something to bug you guys.

I watched the brother cut the skin around the wound while sitting on a bed in the emergency of Greenview Hospital and tried to recall what happened. It had been a hectic day and another was to follow. It was Independence Day tomorrow and I would be spending 12 hours in office alone. Considering the fact I had to start my shift early morning, my lead allowed me to leave half an hour before. Also I had too many things to do, most important of all was to pack my bags as the next day I was also going home. All I could remember was the empty dark road, a screech of brakes and the bike skidding on the road to its right. It took not more than a moment for me to stand up and pick my bike, only to realize that I could not feel my right hand around the wrist. People gathered around to check what had happened; I could recall someone helping me with the helmet and spects, after that only thing I remember was my fading vision and the thirst that made me ask for water from people not only whom I didn’t know but now was not able to see as well. I felt I had not drunk water from days and it was making me weak every moment, I could realize the diminishing visibility, and the glaring headlights of the passing by vehicles were pinching terribly in my eyes. There was a clash of thoughts in my mind as I started to black out. “I have my bike”, “What about the office laptop”, “What if someone takes advantage of the situation”, I will be in worst condition. So before I ran out of power, I somehow grabbed the bikes keys and put it in my pocket, someone had already picked the bike and parked it on the side. I clinched my backpack belt and tightened it till I felt it hugging me tight and only then I sat on the footpath. The words that made me fight the blackout was someone saying “Take off your bag”, though the intent was generous, but you can’t trust anyone in such circumstances.

The pain of flesh being cut with the skin brought me back to the hospital and I was still confused about what had happened, I decided to let the brother do what he was doing and I again tried to recall how I fell. This time it was a little clearer, it was the dark road again and I was in my usual pace, and something flashed and again the screeching brakes, the skidding bikes and the same story.
I realized I was able to feel the wrist area but was in terrible pain even with an inches movement. After the cleaning was done it was time for X-Ray and another episode of flash back started while waiting. I came to the parking from ODC, started my bike and realized I had not taken out my gloves. It were in my backpack, and came the devil and the angel me on my shoulders, the devil pushing me to let go and just ride, the angel said “No take them out, what else did you buy them for, just to keep in bag is it?” But it was too late the devil me killed the angel after the debate and I pulled the throttle.

The X-Ray was done, turned out I had had enough milk in my childhood to save my bones, but there was slight damage in the ligaments. It was time to get the wound dressed and return home, but the brothers were busy attending other patients. I closed my eyes and concentrated for a minute, played the whole thing numerous times in my mind. Play, Rewind, Play was all that happened for a minute.
What was it that flashed and came running from the dark, something with brown hair I was sure of now. I remember hitting the brakes hard, but it was not enough, the distance was very less. I managed to balance from the sudden brakes but could no more when I hit it, I lost my balance and it was road my bike and on it ‘me’. Yes I could see what it was, it was a dog, came the words out of my mouth ‘Son of a Beach’. It was not me who had hit the dog; it was the dog that had hit me, coming out of nowhere running wildly on the road and BANG…!!  And I was on road! Even before I got up and saw if it was alive, it was not even there, it had run from the crime scene.

Just a message to pass: “Beware of Dogs, each has its day”, if you know what I mean 8-)
But poor me, there is no dog police that I can lodge a complaint against that dog for not following lane discipline :P and book it on the charges of ‘Hit n Run

‘Ride hard, but make sure you have the safety gears on and not in your bag :( ’


  1. very nicely written..! You have given attention even to the minute details.. :) Again another good write up! And yea get well soon..
