Friday, December 30, 2011

Helpless, I was

I had no desire to go on, my energy was draining as he drove me. The wind was harsh and rain was pouring all over me. I was getting dirty in the mud and the pebbles irked my soul. Yet he was ruthless, he never cared for what I felt. An evil grin was all over his face, he seemed a maniac who only cared for his happiness. It started raining heavily and he rode me even faster. It felt like being a dart board as the drops pierced me like needles, hurting every place they touched.

My soul cried in agony, my heart was burning and he enjoyed, but he carried a winning smile on his face.  When he was done he left me there all covered in mud, water still pouring on me. And as he left he took my life with him. I could not move an inch, just lay there as nature played with me.

As you read now, I’m still getting drenched and he enjoys a hot cup of coffee and I wait for him to come back and take me home. Still wondering who I am, well I wait here in Wipro Parking I am his bike.

:D  Njoy the rains Don’t listen to my bike :D

Friday, December 16, 2011

She Waited

January 1951

The huge rusted gates were always open, the road led to an old mansion, huge trees at even distance along the side which would had shadowed the path even in the brightest sun; Every inch covered with dry leaves as no one had taken the road in ages.

The trees were left with dried branches, the pool had dried, the lake had algae all over, the paint on the walls had fallen off from places and the towers were falling off in parts. The very tower where he took her for their first sunrise, she had never missed it from then. No kids that played, no birds that chirped, no creature quenched its thirst from the lake, no butler no maid, with no life around the mansion haunted itself. The windows were always open, the curtains were never drawn, the only life that namesake existed was Alexia.

The doors were creaky, spiders dwelled in their giant cobwebs, and termites enjoyed their daily feast on the splendid teak furniture. Yet in one room she existed. Existed for a promise kept so far; a promise to wait for his return.

She stood still in front of the mirror, as she witnessed her hairs turn grey, her face develop wrinkles, her skin turn scaly, and the eyes getting stoned. Somewhere in those stone-eyes were old carvings. She remembered those days her eyes used to shy in his presence, sing when he smiled, shiver when he touched, pleasure his fragrance, die in his arms and how he would bring them back to life with his love.

December 1908

The huge gates opened for the Rolls Royce decorated with ribbons, a heart-shaped board on the back which read ‘Just Married’ and tails of empty cans. Everyone welcomed the newlywed couple on their way to their mansion.  Kids, teenagers old people, and even butlers and maids danced to the overwhelming and rhythmic clatter of the cans. Everyone was intoxicated with joy and happiness, even the animals seemed happy and the trees danced with the tunes of wind.

The premises were huge. If someone called it a forest would not be completely wrong, except the fact it was not dense and there were no wild animals. Birds and animals of various species enjoyed being here and some peacocks simply added to the beauty of the estate. To the back of the mansion was a small lake. To watch the animals and birds around it at sunset, was always a mystical view from the mansion’s towers.

The way that led to the mansion was full of trees on the sides. Just in front of the mansion was a pool with a small fountain with dolphins carved out of stones. The pure white mansion, shined like gold at the dawn sun.

The Rolls Royce stopped at the entrance of the mansion, the driver opened the door for a charming persona, Lucas. He then extended his hand for her bride and a soft hand with a ruby embedded in the ring held his hand. A beautiful lady in white wedding gown with a long trail stepped out. Alexia was what everyone whispered with amaze on their face witnessing the beauty. Lucas and Alexia were ready to walk into their dream home, where they would fulfill their dreams.

Lucas and Alexia stepped in and were surprised to see Lucas’s complete family gathered for their happiness, cousins, aunt and uncles, and nephews and nieces. Everyone was very happy as it had been long since the last marriage in the family. A pianist made everyone dance more than just tapping their boots. The young couple was given the first opportunity to flow with the melody.

After a long session of dance and wines, the tables were set for their first family supper. The dinner was set perfect, with a perfect aroma of rose water, lit by candles and light music.

The winters were near and it was evident from the morning mist, Lucas took Alexia for a walk. They came closer as they walked around in the greens, around the lake and this became Alexia’s favorite moment. Now she would take Lucas for a walk every morning, just like the first day. He took her to the towers of the mansion, the place she was least interested to go, but he insisted. He covered her eyes until they reached the top, and just when the sun’s first rays fell on the mansion, he removed his hands. She was mesmerized by the beauty of nature and what she witnessed would be engraved in her memories. She had never seen a sun rise such beautiful. The dew drops on the leaves glistened in the morning mist. Till eternity if eyes could see, it was only beauty, and before they could realize they were in love. The place she never wanted to go, created the first spark of their love life, and in a moment became her favorite place in the estate.

Lucas’s family was one of the richest in town, yet he was a humble and generous man. He was loved by everyone in home and in society. He was a kind but brave man, well trained for military combats, an excellent swordsman and a sharp shooter. At many instances his skills had been utilized to save helpless lives. He always helped the poor and needy against the will of the family elders.

April 1912

In the belly of the pacific was Titanic, and so were Lucas’s parents. Lucas never took interest in the family business, nor did he listen to his parents, but he loved them a lot; it felt like he was the one who took the hit from that iceberg. He always cared about the poor and helpless. But tide had turned, everything changed with the demise of his father. Partners and relatives occupied their property and business as if Hyenas tear of the flesh from the prey.

Although he managed to save the estate somehow, but things were not the way they were earlier. The loving cousins were not even acquaintance any more, the servants had made a run for their living and life was coming to an end. Lucas had shattered and was beyond recovering, Alexia would take him to the mansion tower at the dawn everyday and it was Alexia’s love and care brought him back to life. He was once again cheerful and the person he used to be. He had witnessed the dark side of life and had made it out in the light. He started his search for their livelihood, once raised like a prince he was now a blacksmith making excellent weapons for combat which he had mastered as a kid.

While Lucas was away in day, Alexia would go to parts of mansion and spend her day. The mansion had become a very important part of her life which she cherished and filled it with life. On a cloudy day, Alexia took off to a nearby market, she witnessed a lady who was feeding a doll, smiling at it and asking it to eat, but probably she had lost her child and could not go through the trauma of loosing her own part. The instance left its mark on her, she could not forget her face, her happiness and her grief. She kept thinking all day and developed her own grief of not having a child. She had loved and been loved, but the seed which was sown had strengthened its roots. Lucas and Alexia’s were in no condition to bear a child, but Alexia’s anxiety was now more than visible and Lucas was concerned but Alexia would not talk.


It was their 4th anniversary and Lucas took her to the mansion tower as he used to everyday, as the sun rose into the sky, Alexia burst in to tears and cried in his arms, Lucas was dumbstruck by seeing her strong wife break like this. He could not say anything but just cuddled her as she mentioned her grief.


A year later Lucas and Alexia were blessed by the most beautiful gift life can ever give. There face glittered in happiness when they saw their baby boy for the first time. After ages the mansion echoed with a child’s voice. ‘Alrick’, they named him as they celebrated the joy. Alrick filled their lives with happiness. The estate was greener than ever before, as if it would express the joy and happiness of Alexia and Lucas.


Lucas and Alexia had started living a happy life watching their young kid grow tall and smart. But life was not kind to Lucas and Alexia as another storm left them torn into bits and pieces, little Alrick succumbed to cancer when he was just 8. Once again they were left shattered. They now knew the pain of burying their own son.


April 1942

Time went by and they continued to survive, survive for all they were left with, their love. They tried to have another child several times, but every time they did, something always went wrong. Lucas was no more a blacksmith, over the years he had worked hard and now ran a supply of goods and commodities for daily needs. But during the Second World War food was scarce, people killed to survive. One evening, his stocks were looted by some of such people. They took more than they could carry and many were killed because of it. All his life he had worked to achieve this and now he could not watch it rune. When he heard of it he ran with his rifle to his store. Alexia got worried and tried to stop him, she was worried to lose what was left but he did not listen to her. Lucas had worked very hard to build the store. The fruit of his hard work was snatched and left on street to decay and rot and he could not stand it. What he saw filled him with rage. For the first time in his life he was flowing with anger. But it wasn’t enough to suppress his strong conscience. His heart bled yet he smiled. He had been through much more and that made his anger fade away in moments. Seeing Alexia was the only worthy thing left in his life.


A dark night it was, lightning stroked everywhere. From the darkness appeared some people, darker than the night, sinister than the evil. There were rumors according to which few men looted the house, killed every human alive and burned the house. There was no doubt it was them and Lucas had to do something. He told the men that their family had an ancestral treasury, a hideout away from the town where they kept all the gold. He bargained them to leave Alexia safe and he would accompany them to the hideout. Lucas was clear in his thoughts, he knew what he was doing. Perhaps it was difficult to fight while protecting. Alexia begged Lucas not to leave, she grabbed her leg as was dragged as was dragged along. Lucas bent to raise her and whispered “Promise me that you will wait for my return.”  Alexia gazed into his eyes as Lucas was pulled by the men.


But that was far too long in the past, she still desired, desired him the most. A meager hope was all that was left in those eyes. Those eyes searched everywhere every time, waiting for a glimpse of the one she worshiped her complete life. The last glimpse before she could perish.

She waited near the window, to see his car coming. She ran to open the door, anxiety spread all over her face, a glitter in her eyes which had been dry all day. Looking at him her grief turned into joy, the face which had been pale since ages light up like a lamp. She stood at the door frozen in desperation waiting to be embraced by his warmth that could melt the ice. But there was none around, there was no car nor was Lucas.


With torn clothes, several bleeding wounds, long dirty hairs and beard grown to his chest, gasping as making his way to the mansion, he fell half way from the gates. With the help of a dead tree he managed to make it on his foot. There wasn’t enough difference in the tree and him, fighting with himself and the nature to survive, the tree had already succumbed but Lucas wasn’t ready to give up. He somehow kept moving and made his way to the mansion. When he saw its condition, a grin came to his face. The mansion had suffered similar injuries as Lucas and Alexia. It had suffered the pain of Lucas and Alexia. He went inside and was dumbstruck when he saw the inside, it seemed no one had stepped in from ages. The thought that Alexia was gone started haunting him. Filled with remorse he fell on the floor, and started thinking about the last time they met, how he had asked her to wait until his return.  Their love gave him the zest to go on, his hopes came back and he looked for her everywhere yet in vain. He had searched every dark corner of the mansion but he could not find her. He had now given up and rested his body on the floor. His soul was shattered, his heart was bleeding his eyes were getting stoned as they kept looking at the roof, when a drop from the seeping roof dropped on his forehead. He stood up and hustled to the tower of the mansion. Every step he took towards seemed like an eternity. His breath became heavier, his heart was pounding out off his body as he fell on the door of the room below the tower. He smiled as he saw her on the bed, he struggled as he rose up to finally take her in his arms. The smile on her face which he longed to witness was gone, she had waited all her life for Lucas to return and embrace her. Alexia had become very week, sitting at a single place she had developed bed sores, yet she would never go out not even to a doctor, thinking of his return in the meanwhile. But the very tower where she had seen the first rays of her life with Lucas, had engulfed her and made her its own. Lucas was struck with millions of volts, his heart had stopped beating, his tears had dried up as he took the cold Alexia in his arms. Lucas had returned but she broke her promise, she fought a lot but death was inevitable. Lucas lied down and took her in his arms and watched the sun to set till the very end.
